Carrier Requirements:

Asphalt Operating Services
Download Driver Certification Packet

Asphalt Operating Services is committed to providing a professional and proactive workplace for its employees and customers. Regards to Health, Safety, Security, and the Environment will be the top priority for our company; we hope that you will share with us our commitment to these areas.

There are a few items that need to be completed prior to accessing the facility and you will find these listed below:

BP Loading Card for each driver

  • These cards are obtained from the BP Distribution Services Support Team (DSST) at 630-536-2200. Option #1. Or email to: or fax to: 713-375-2831 (email preferred)
  • These cards must be obtained prior to entering the facility for loading. Cards may not be shared among drivers.
  • These cards can be transferred to another driver by calling BP DSST and requesting the transfer.
  • Note: If you already have key card access for your drivers for Whiting, IN you will not need new cards for AOS.

AOS Terminal Access Agreement

  • This must be completed prior to accessing the facility along with the required Certificate of Insurance meeting the minimum requirements stated in the Terminal Access Agreement.

Driver Safety Training

  • AOS Driver Certification Program
  • BP TruckSafe DVD. If you do not have a copy of this DVD please let us know and we will provide a copy of this to you.
  • The Safety Training will be required of each driver who will access the facility to load or unload products.

Procedures for Driver Training

  • View the BP TruckSafe DVD
  • Read the AOS Driver Certification Health & Safety Performance Standard, HSPS-23.0
  • Read the AOS Operating Performance Standards
  • Complete the included Proficiency Test & Training Form
  • Fax completed test to AOS at 630-497-8967 or have the driver bring the test with them on their first trip to the facility.
  • New drivers may only access the facility between the hours of 7:00 AM and 3:00 PM, Monday through Friday to complete the onsite portion of the training.
  • No driver should be sent to the facility who has not met the minimum requirements prior to entering the facility. Failure to complete the above requirements will result in the driver being turned away.

It is the expectation of AOS that all personnel who enter the facility have been properly trained, hold the proper documentation for cargo handling and transportation, have the proper and required safety equipment, and act in a professional and proactive manner while at the facility.